@0_0 said:
https://femboy.fan/static/avoid_posting The avoid posting list in the site navigation page leads nowhere, and it's referred to in multiple places for how to get dnp
Yeah I haven't bothered setting that up since this site does not have near enough of a presence to need dnp yet, that's on the docket for some time in the future along with a few other missing internal/help pages
@0_0 said:
votedup: autocomplete shows names despite us not having perms to see others and will default to ourselves
This feels likely to be something imported fron e6
In theory it should be trivial to just make it either only show some specific text or the current user's name
@0_0 said:
Also why does the wiki always suggest to return to notifications
It sounds like you went through a notification and never returned, so it never cleared the banner
I'll look into that
Merged from Bug Reports Thread.