

FemboyFans is a community for artists, collectors, and admirers of furry artwork where everyone can appreciate the creativity of others while sharing ideas, giving advice, and conversing with fellow furries.
This community is at its best when everyone treats each other with courtesy and respect. Please conduct yourself in a civilized manner while you are here.

The rules on this page are a general guideline for the behavior that is expected from our community members. If you encounter messages or posts that violate these rules, please report them.

If you intend to upload any artwork here, review our Uploading Guidelines and Avoid Posting List first for information on what content is and is not allowed.

Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in your account being suspended or terminated.
The guidelines are not intended to cover every potential situation, and site staff may address any behavior in a manner that they feel is appropriate.
Your access to this website is a privilege, not a right.

Disciplinary Actions

When a user violates a rule listed in this Code of Conduct, they may recieve a public record on their profile. A list of these can be found here.
A record will indicate what rules were broken, and where they were broken (comments, forums, posts, etc.).

There are three different types of records.

  • Positive Record - These are given out to users for contributing to the site in a helpful manner. They are not related to discipline.
  • Neutral Record - A warning that a rule has been broken.
  • Negative Record - These are further split into three categories.
    • Negative - A secondary warning, preceeding a suspension.
    • Suspension - A temporary suspension, removing all access to the site.
    • Permanent Ban - A permanent ban from our site. This will not expire. Any appeal should be made to [email protected].

Any record that is not a permanent ban can be decayed over time.

  • A suspension will be downgraded to a negative after 3 months.
  • A negative will be downgraded to a neutral after 3 months.
  • A neutral will be removed after 3 months.

The decay process works down this set of steps, so a suspension for example would first be downgraded to a negative, then a neutral, then removed. All of this takes places over 9 months.
If the same rule is broken within the decay window of an existing record, a new record of a higher severity will be issued, and the decay timer will restart.

Note that none of this process is automated. You must contact an admin to start and continue the process after 3 months.

Disputing Staff Actions

Should you be faced with an action performed upon you that you do not agree with (post deletion, records, or any other actions), you should first attempt to make contact with that staff member via a DMail. To send them a message, go to their profile and click "Send Message" in the top bar.
If the result of this interaction were not satisfactory, or you do not feel comfortable confrunting them, you may escalate the issue up the chain of command:

  • Janitor and Moderator rulings should be brought up with an Admin
  • Admin rulings should be brought up with an Owner
  • Owner rulings should be brought up with @Donovan_DMC

If you have been banned from the site, you may contact [email protected] to appeal, or ask any questions related to the ban.

1 Messages – Private and Public

1.1 Disruptive Behavior

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Making messages with the intent to upset anyone. This includes baiting arguments, picking fights, name calling, or bringing forth personal drama into the public space.
  • Purposely or repeatedly spread false or defamatory information.
  • Mentioning any acts of self harm including suicide, cutting, or any other depression induced pains.
  • Encouraging others to engage in any self harming behaviors.
  • Giving others medical or legal advice that is demonstrably false, or could result in harm coming to themselves or others.
  • Spontaneously bringing up anything political. This is not a political forum, take it elsewhere.
  • Demanding certain administrative actions be taken against another user. Do not claim personal influence over staff decisions.
  • Disobeying any direct instructions made by staff members.

1.2 Harassment, Doxxing, and Real-Life Threats

Suggested Suspension Length: 3-7 days
This category includes:

  • Stalking or harassing anyone. If someone has expressed that they do not wish to speak with you, do not attempt to speak to them.
  • Making messages that call for or may lead to harassment.
  • Promoting or threatening violence in any capacity.
  • Sharing or attempting to obtain any personal information of another individual.

1.3 National, Racial, or Ethnic Hatred

Suggested Suspension Length: 3-7 days
This category includes:

  • Promoting, alluding to, or expressing national, racial, or ethnic hatred.
  • Using any slurs related to a national, racial, or ethnic group, regardless of the user's nationality, race, and ethnic group.
  • Identifying with, alluding to, or promoting terrorist organizations, mass murderers, serial killers, or their ideologies.

1.4 Sexual Identity and Orientation

Suggested Suspension Length: 7 days
This rule will almost always get you at least a negative record.
This category includes:

  • Insultingly referring to any aspect of sexual identity or orientation.
  • Purposely misgendering or deadnaming users, characters, or anyone else.

1.5 Refusal to Use Blacklist

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Complaining about content that could be blacklisted. Simply add the corresponding tag to your blacklist. If you believe a post is missing a valid tag, add the tag and move on. Report the uploader if this is a recurring issue.
  • Making messages announcing that you have blacklisted a specific tag or certain kinds of content.

1.6 Inappropriate Comments

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Sharing explicit details about sexual encounters, fantasies, fetishes, or actions.
  • Making comments with content that exceeds the post's rating.
  • Making comments mentioning fetishes not present in the post.

What's tolerable may vary between posts. Telling us about what's happening in your pants, what your significant other did to you last week, what you wish you could do to X character/what you wish X character would do to you, and anything of the sort is never okay.

1.7 Role-Play

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Initiating, encouraging, or participating in public role-play sessions. This includes one sided role-play (such as speaking to/as a character), and role-play between other users.
  • Creating comments advertising role-play, be it public or private.
  • Soliciting role-play from user users. If the user is advertising to message them privately about role-play in their profile, engaging in this is perfectly acceptable, assuming you aren't harassing them.

Minor cases of role-play, such as short excerpts that are humorous, non-disruptive, and non-explicit, in response to a situation or joke set up by a post are okay.

1.8 Spamming

Suggested Suspension Length: 7 days
If the violation is egregious enough, we may issue an immediate permanent ban.
This category includes:

  • Excessively saying the same phrases, minor variations included. Such as repeating variations of "I love this", "The best", "This is amazing" or other phrases that add nothing of value.
  • Making non-constructive or derailing messages, including fad statements such as "first", "TL;DR", "same", and similar.
  • Posting in old topics without adding anything to the discussion.
  • Creating pointless topics like forum games, asking for free art, etc.
  • Posting copypastas that have no substance.

This rule may be relaxed for some humorous circumstances.

1.9 Advertising

Suggested Suspension Length: 7 days
This category includes:

  • Promoting any external sites, resources, products, or services.
  • Artists are allowed to advertise services and products in their post descriptions, artist page, and profile description.

2 Posts, Artists, and Wiki Pages

2.1 Posting Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 7 days
This category includes:

  • Knowingly or repeatedly uploading content that goes against the Uploading Guidelines
    • Do not post anything made by artists or publishers on the Avoid Posting list or break any conditions listed there. This includes collaborations unless specified otherwise.
    • Do not post any commercial or pay-to-view content that is less than 2 years old.
    • Do not knowingly reupload previously deleted content. If you wish to dispute a deletion, contact the staff member responsible for the deletion via a DMail.
  • Knowingly or repeatedly uploading or sharing unauthorized edits or art after the original artist or character owner has asked others not to.
  • Knowingly or repeatedly uploading content made by minors or featuring characters created or owned by minors.
    • Do not upload content that was made when the artist or character owner was a minor, even if they are of age now.
  • Uploading upscales or otherwise manipulated images to artificially create a "better" version of an existing image.
  • Uploading AI generated content.
  • Uploading content associated with real-life tragedies.

2.2 Tagging Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This section includes:

  • Adding any tags that are invalid, or removing any tags that are valid.
    • Tags in the general category need to follow our Tag What You See guidelines.
      • Do not get excessive with tagging minuscule things. No one cares about the size of that one specific muscle no one can pronounce, for instance.
    • Tags in the lore category are considered valid if they convey the artist or character owner's intentions, or correct information that cannot be tagged correctly due to Tag What You See.
    • Tags in other categories are considered valid if the information they convey is objectively true, such as the artist's name or metadata about the image.
  • Lazy/bare minimum tagging.
    • You should make an effort to tag anything that is plainly visible in the image - such as genitals and any fetishes. Review our Tagging Checklist if you are unsure of what tags to add.
    • Objectionable fetishes such as cub, scatplay, watersports, rape, and anything similar MUST be tagged on upload.
    • You should aim for at least 10 general tags.
    • An artist tag is required. If the artist is not known, consider asking around to find the artist. If all else fails, tag unknown_artist.
    • If the artist wishes to remain anonymous, tag anonymous_artist. Do not attempt to name anonymous artists.
  • Disruptive edit reasons/post descriptions.
  • Changing tags to incorrect categories.
  • Daisy chaining posts together. An ordered set of 3 or more posts should be in a pool instead.

2.3 Rating Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Changing the rating of posts to go against the Rating Guidelines.
  • Changing wiki pages to incorrectly state the minimum rating of a tag.

2.4 Sourcing Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Adding invalid sources or removing valid sources.
    • Valid sources are defined as links to submission pages where the art can be found.
      • Gallery/profile links are not valid sources on their own. If present, they should be paired with a submission link.
      • Likewise, patreon/subscribestar/other donation platforms are not valid sources, unless linking to the post containing the artwork.
    • At least one source should be publicly available unless you are the artist, commissioner, copyright owner, or obtained legitimate access to an unsourcable work in some other way. We may ask for proof.
    • Do not use links to piracy sites as sources, regardless of how old the content is.
    • Do not add direct links or random text to the sources field.
    • Do not add links that redirect to a different URL (e.g. URL shorteners).
    • Dead links where the artwork could previously be found are still considered valid and should not be removed. Instead, disable them via prefixing them with a dash (-).

2.5 Note Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Editing post notes to contain irrelevant information or removing existing valid notes.
    • Examples of valid notes include, but are not limited to:
      • Identifying characters in images with an especially high number of characters (such as absolutely_everyone)
      • Linking to a post that is featured inside another post.
      • Translating non-English text into English.
      • Correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in text.
  • Creating notes that translate text into languages other than english.
  • Creating notes with demonstrably false translations and/or information.

2.6 Artist Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Creating artist pages for non-artist tags.
  • Vandalizing artist pages with incorrect or defamatory text.
  • Adding invalid links or removing valid links.
  • Adding invalid names or removing valid names.

2.7 Wiki Pages

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Creating wiki pages for invalid tags.
  • Adding incorrect or defamatory information to wiki pages.
  • Fighting over edits with other users.

2.8 Plagiarism or Character Theft

Suggested Suspension Length: 7 days
This category includes:

  • Claiming ownership of any artwork or character that does not belong to you.
  • Uploading or sharing any traced artwork without the consent of the copyright owner.
  • Uploading or sharing any artwork that has had the original watermark or signature removed from it.
  • Adding third party watermarks or signatures to unrelated content.

3 Abuse of Site Tools

3.1 Abuse of Site Tools

Suggested Suspension Length: 3-7 days
If the offense is especially disruptive and ongoing, we may hand out a 1-3 day ban to stop the actions immediately.
This category includes:

  • Submitting invalid or unnecessary requests, such as incorrect tickets or flags.
  • Encouraging other users to make duplicate reports for the same violation.

3.2 Vote Cheating

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Using alternate accounts to inflate the vote/favorite counts of posts, comments, or tag change requests.
  • Offering incentives in exchange for votes/favorites on posts, comments, or tag change requests.

3.3 Vote Abuse

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Downvoting comments by a particular user or on a particular post in bulk.
  • Indiscriminately downvoting posts based on their contents

You should block or blacklist the offending subjects instead.

3.4 Circumventing Site Restrictions or Suspensions

Suggested Suspension Length: Permanent
This category includes:

  • Using alternate accounts to circumvent site restrictions such as bans, upload limits, time-based action limits, and so on.
  • Having others act on your behalf while you are currently under a suspension or ban. This may get both of you banned.
  • Abandoning old accounts to escape records.

4 Illegal or Extreme Activities

4.1 Illegal Activities or Content

Suggested Suspension Length: Permanent
This rule will always result in an immediate, non-negotiable permanent ban.
This category includes:

  • Engaging in, promoting, encouraging, planning, posting, or linking to any content or activities that violate United States law, or anything that could be used as directions for committing a crime.
  • Discussing the details or experiences of committing illegal acts such as drug use, non-consensual sex, violence, or abuse against any human or creature.
  • Posting images or videos depicting real minors in sexual situations or acts.

4.2 Extreme Activities or Content

Suggested Suspension Length: Permanent
This rule will always result in an immediate, non-negotiable permanent ban.
This category includes:

  • Uploading or linking to material featuring real animal genitalia or animals in sexual situations.
  • Expressing interest or any degree of attraction to real minors or animals.
    • This includes groups such as Zoophiles and MAPs, regardless of being no-contact or not.
  • Linking to any content featuring or referring to extreme real-life violence or violent sexual activities.
  • Discussing the details, morality, or attraction towards any of the aforementioned subjects.

4.3 Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files

Suggested Suspension Length: 3 days
This category includes:

  • Sharing content or data that has been obtained through unauthorized or illegal means. Do not discuss or share methods or resources used to obtain such content.
  • Linking to content only available through paid subscription services. Do not quote or otherwise reference users doing this - simply report them and move on.

4.4 Age Restrictions

By using this site and/or registering an account, you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. No individual under the age of 18 may register an account, use our services, provide any personal data to us, or otherwise upload or transmit personal information through our services.

Even though laws may vary depending on your location, our management is located in the United States, and it is those laws that we are required to abide by. We cannot knowingly allow any minors to view pornographic content, so we must be proactive in preventing underage access. This includes accounts that are either legally or illegally accessed by minors. Furthermore, we require official, government-issued photo identification as proof of you turning 18 in order to restore access to your account. Please email us at [email protected] for further details.