internal:rules body
FemboyFans is a community for artists, collectors, and admirers of furry artwork where everyone can appreciate the creativity of others while sharing ideas, giving advice, and conversing with fellow furries.
This community is at its best when everyone treats each other with courtesy and respect. Please conduct yourself in a civilized manner while you are here.
The rules on this page are a general guideline for the behavior that is expected from our community members. If you encounter messages or posts that violate these rules, please report them.
If you intend to upload any artwork here, review our Uploading Guidelines and Avoid Posting List first for information on what content is and is not allowed.
Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in your account being suspended or terminated.
The guidelines are not intended to cover every potential situation, and site staff may address any behavior in a manner that they feel is appropriate.
Your access to this website is a privilege, not a right.
Disciplinary Actions
When a user violates a rule listed in this Code of Conduct, they may recieve a public record on their profile. A list of these can be found here.
A record will indicate what rules were broken, and where they were broken (comments, forums, posts, etc.).
There are three different types of records.
- Positive Record - These are given out to users for contributing to the site in a helpful manner. They are not related to discipline.
- Neutral Record - A warning that a rule has been broken.
- Negative Record - These are further split into three categories.
- Negative - A secondary warning, preceeding a suspension.
- Suspension - A temporary suspension, removing all access to the site.
- Permanent Ban - A permanent ban from our site. This will not expire. Any appeal should be made to [email protected].
Any record that is not a permanent ban can be decayed over time.
- A suspension will be downgraded to a negative after 3 months.
- A negative will be downgraded to a neutral after 3 months.
- A neutral will be removed after 3 months.
The decay process works down this set of steps, so a suspension for example would first be downgraded to a negative, then a neutral, then removed. All of this takes places over 9 months.
If the same rule is broken within the decay window of an existing record, a new record of a higher severity will be issued, and the decay timer will restart.
Note that none of this process is automated. You must contact an admin to start and continue the process after 3 months.
Disputing Staff Actions
Should you be faced with an action performed upon you that you do not agree with (post deletion, records, or any other actions), you should first attempt to make contact with that staff member via a DMail. To send them a message, go to their profile and click "Send Message" in the top bar.
If the result of this interaction were not satisfactory, or you do not feel comfortable confrunting them, you may escalate the issue up the chain of command:
- Janitor and Moderator rulings should be brought up with an Admin
- Admin rulings should be brought up with an Owner
- Owner rulings should be brought up with @Donovan_DMC
If you have been banned from the site, you may contact [email protected] to appeal, or ask any questions related to the ban.