help:tag scripts

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← Wiki HomeTag Scripts
Note: This function is only available to Trusted+ users.

Tag scripts allow you to batch together several tag changes. With a single script you can add tags, remove tags, conditionally add tags, conditionally remove tags, or any combination of the above. Simply create one, select it, and click on a post thumbnail to apply the tag script in the background. The best way to illustrate how they work is through examples.

You can combine commands, but you cannot nest them. For example, [if cat, dog] [if dog, cat] works, but [if cat, [reset]] does not.


  • cat dog would add the cat and dog tag.


  • -cat -dog would remove the cat and dog tag.
  • cat -dog would add the cat tag and remove the dog tag.


  • [if cat, dog] would add the dog tag if and only if the post had the cat tag.
  • [if -cat, dog] would add the dog tag if and only if the post did not have the cat tag.
  • [if cat, -dog] would remove the dog tag if and only if the post had the cat tag.
  • [if -cat, -dog] would remove the dog tag if and only if the post did not have the cat tag.
  • [if cat -animal, animal] would add the animal tag if and only if the post had the cat tag but did not have the animal tag.


  • [reset] would remove every tag from the post.
  • [reset] cat would remove every tag from the post, then add the cat tag.
  • cat [reset] would add the cat tag, then remove every tag from the post (this is a pointless script).

Rating Changes

  • rating:e would change the post's rating to explicit.
  • [if sex, rating:e] would change the post's rating to explicit if and only if it had the sex tag.