
Edited are restricted to Janitor users and above.

← Wiki HomeAccounts
Contents: Banned | Restricted | Member | Trusted | Former Staff | Janitor | Moderator | System | Admin | Owner

For the technically minded individuals, the integer value of the level will be in parenthesis to the right.

Banned (1)

These members have had their account privileges revoked, be it temporarily or permanently.

Restricted (5)

Currently unused.

Member (10)

The default level upon registering.

  • Base upload limit of 10, increased by approved images and decreased by deleted images
  • Must wait 7 days to do any of the following:
    • Edit Artists
    • Edit Posts
    • Upload
    • Edit Wiki Pages
    • Create Pools
    • Edit Pool Posts
    • Comment
    • Send DMails
    • Make Tag Change Requests
  • Must wait 3 days to do any of the following:
    • Edit Pools
    • Edit Notes
    • Create Forum Posts
    • Vote On Comments
    • Create Tickets
    • Vote On Tag Change Requests
  • Edit 25 Artists an hour
  • Edit 150 Posts an hour
  • Edit 60 Wiki Pages an hour
  • Create 2 Pools an hour
  • Edit 10 Pools an hour
  • Edit 30 Pool Posts an hour
  • Edit 50 Notes an hour
  • Create 15 Comments an hour
  • Create 15 Forum Posts an hour
  • Create 2 DMails a minute
    • 30 DMails an hour
    • 60 DMails a day
  • Vote On 25 Comments an hour
  • Vote On 25 Forum Posts an hour
  • Vote On 1000 Posts an hour
  • Flag 20 Posts an hour
  • Create 30 Tickets an hour
  • Create 15 Tag Change Requests an hour
  • Vote On 60 Tag Change Requests an hour

Trusted (15)

The next level up from member. This level is given to users that positively contribute to the site.

  • No hourly limit for Artist, Post, Wiki, Pool Post, Note, Comment, Forum Post, Comment Vote, Post Vote, Ticket, and Tag Change Request Vote actions
  • Access to Tag Scripting

Former Staff (19)

Staff members that have left on good terms.

Janitor (20)

Janitors handle posts - the queue, flags, replacements.

  • No limit on Pool Creating/Editing, DMails, and Creating Tickets

Moderator (30)

Moderators handle comment/forum moderation as well as tickets

  • Can create records
  • Can ban users
  • Can hide comments/forum posts
  • Can lock comment/post votes

System (35)

A level exclusively for the @System account.

  • Automatically bans spammers.

Admin (40)

Admins handle all day-to-day operations, and oversee all moderators and janitors. They have almost unlimited access to site tools.

Owner (50)

Owners own the site itself and oversee all staff and operations. They are the final step in escalation, and their word is gospel.