Help: Artists
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What are artists?
Artists represent the people who created a piece of art.
How do artists differ from tags?
Artists can have multiple names associated with them, notes for extraneous details, and a list of external gallery links.
Linking your Account to your Artist tag; Verification
If you are an artist with an account and would like your account linked to your artist tag, send a message to one of our official accounts with your username and tag.
Linked accounts will show in the artist listing, allowing other users to find your account quickly. Uploading your own content also enables janitors to approve your posts faster and verify do not post conditions more easily.
Your art will also be displayed as a separate section on your profile page.
How do I create an artist?
First off, go here.
You'll see four fields:
- Name is self-explanatory.
- Other Names are for any miscellaneous names or aliases the artist has, space delimited.
- Notes are for any extra tidbits of information you want to mention (this field is actually saved to the artist tag's matching wiki page).
- The URLs field is a list of URLs associated with the artist, like their home page, their blog, and any websites that store the artist's images. Multiple URLs should be separated with newlines.
Are artists in any way tied to posts or tags?
No. If you create an artist, a corresponding tag is not automatically created. If you create an artist-typed tag, a corresponding artist is not automatically created. If you create an artist but no corresponding tag, searching for posts by that artist won't return any results.
This is an intentional design decision. By keeping the two separated, users have far more freedom when it comes to creating aliases, and edits.
When I search for a URL, I get a bunch of unrelated results. What's going on?
Short answer: this is just a side-effect of the way URL searches work. Multiple results typically means the artist couldn't be found.
Long answer: when you're searching for a URL, typically it's a URL to an image on the artist's site. If this is a new image, querying this will obviously return no results.
So what the sarch does is progressively chop off directories from the URL. becomes becomes becomes It keeps doing this until a match is found. This is done more than once because there are cases where the URL is nested by date, like in Usually this algorithm works very well, provided the artist has an entry.
If they don't, then the algorithm is probably going to cut the URL down to just the domain, i.e. When this happens, you'll get every artist hosted on that domain.
Why not just dump all the results if you get more than one?
Well, there are a few cases when multiple artists validly map to the same domain. Usually the domain is just being used to host files or something.
Should I create an artist entry for a voice actor?
No. Voice actors should be given a contributor tag, and any information should be listed on their wiki.