Help: Uploading
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Ensure you check the uploading guidelines and avoid posting list before attempting to upload anything.
1. Click the "Upload" link on the posts index, or go here
2. Attach the image or fill in the image url. Only some urls can be directly uploaded from. See: Upload Whitelist for more information.
3. Fill in the sources. Add as many sources where the submission can be found as possible. Do not add just profile links (such as or random text.
4. Fill in the artists. If the tag does not exist yet, prefix it with artist: to create it as an artist tag. If you do not know the artist, add unknown artist. If the artist wishes to remain anonymous, add anonymous artist.
5. Tag the genders of the characters (see our Gender Tagging Guidelines), the amount of characters (1 = solo, 2 = duo, 3 = trio, 4+ = group), the pairings (such as male/male, herm/unknown, andromorph/maleherm, etc), and the count of each gender (1_male, 4_females, 6+_unknown)
6. Fill in the body types and species. Only one body type should be used per character. In general, if the character walks on two legs (regardless of their current position), they would be anthro. Animals which walk on all fours would be feral. If a character is a hybrid of multiple species, use hybrid and each individual species rather than any combination tag.
7. Fill in the contentious tags. Any objectionable fetishes such as cub, scatplay, watersports, rape, etc MUST be tagged.
8. Fill in the rating. Our Rating Guildeines contain many examples for what might fall under each rating.
9. Fill in all of the other tags. For the upload to submit you must provide at least 4 tags, though you should shoot for 10 or more. Very visible things in the post should be tagged, such as genitals, penetration, and anything else people may frequently search for or blacklist.
10. Fill in the parent id, if applicable. See Help: Post Relationships for more information.
11. Fill in the description. This should only be the description the artist provided. It is not for any comments about the image.
12. Click upload and hope for the best. Posts have 7 days to be approved, so be patient.